Monday, 29 February 2016

Administrative Justice 008-ADJ008- Juvenile Procedures in California-Assignment 4

In the case of "In re Humberto," it gives the authority of police searches during truancy stops without any limitations.
AB 3121 is known as the Dixon Bill. The purpose of this bill was to de-institutionalize the status offenders.
Section 14210 P.C. deals with missing persons. Under this legislation, all law enforcement agencies must immediately assist any person making a report of a missing person or runaway.
Non-secure facilities are like free youth hostels. Juveniles could roam up and down the state and check into one of the 601 facilities when they were tired or hungry, re-fuel, plan activities with other runaways, and leave when they chose to.
The current status offender under section 601 WIC is any juvenile who is under the age of 21, who is beyond any control (incorrigible) of his/her parents, guardian or custodian; a runaway; habitual truant; or curfew violator.
As a result of the Dixon Bill, thousands of juveniles between the age of 13-16 are roaming the streets today without any real place to live, and in order to survive, they must resort to theft, drug sales, and prostitution.
Curfew and loitering was enacted to suppress gang activity that can lead to other juvenile criminal activities. It states that it is unlawful for any person under 18 years to be in public places between the hours of 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. any day
If the minor is a habitual truant, the parents could be criminally prosecuted for violation of Section 48293 of the Education Code for allowing their child to be truant.

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